MEDSHARING designed EOL© to meet the eCRF projects in the simplest, the toughest and most economical way.
EOL© is built on a 100% Internet model. All modules are accessible via the Internet, from the design phase to the delivery, by passing through randomisation, monitoring, Data-Management and administration.
Our solution is centralised, and each new study is stored independently and securely on our shared platform that hosts clinical studies.
Our application is 100% compatible with all browsers on the market (IE 6+, FireFox 2+, Chrome, Opera 9+, Safari 3+) regardless of the kind of customer's workstation. (Mac, PC, Windows, Linux, Netbook, IPAD, IPHONE).
This model allows us to offer access to eCRF, via a simple Internet connection with an optimal level of availability and security.
The benefits to your studies are:
MEDSHARING chose this model for its perfect aptness to deal with new information technologies, emerging issues and problems in current clinical research.
To learn more about the features of our solution:
To download Medsharing's brochure in English, click here.
EOL New brochure available!
March 2016 : EOL the new brochure is available!
Medsharing in figures
(Figures 2015)
78,000 patients since 2003 for over 130 studies.
26 Registries / Observatories.
49 Studies.
61 Clinical Trials
31 Randomizations (without eCRF)
47 Drug Studies
28 DM Studies
66 Ongoing studies.
Figures 2015
New version of the application of randomization
Check out the new unlimited version of our Randomization for clinical trial application IPHONE / IPAD.
+33 (0)1 48 75 39 14
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