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Our health data host

For the physical security of data, we have chosen a provider HDS (European requirement) that meets the standards of the strictest security standards and the regulatory requirements regarding the hosting of medical data.

We have selected the company OVH to host servers and data with the Private cloud SDDC HealthCare.

OVH is one of the leading hosts meeting the highest security requirements.

The hosting centre, in France, meets the strictest security standards and exceeds the requirements for redundancy, reliability related to the hosting business for companies.

Detailed presentation of the OVH architecture

OVH has 27 datacentres across the globe, two of which are among the largest in the world. Since 2003, OVH opened the their first datacentre in Paris, they have never stopped innovating the way we design, deploy and maintain our server hosting infrastructures. they have succeeded in deploying a global datacentre network, fully managed by us. Today, they have unique know-how for offering high availability, security, and energy efficiency.

Certifications :

  • OVH is certified ISO 27001:2005 for providing and operating dedicated cloud computing infrastructures
  • OVH is based on the ISO 27002 and ISO 27005 security management and risk assessment norms and associated processes
  • OVH has obtained SOC 1 and 2 type II certifications for 3 datacentres in France, and 1 in Canada, which is proof of how secure our Private Cloud solution is.

Physical access to the locations

  • OVH datacentres are strictly for our own usage - servers can only be physically accessed by authorised employees
  • Access restricted by security badge control system, video surveillance and security personnel 24/7 on-site
  • Rooms fitted with smoke detection systems
  • Technicians on site 24/7

Electrical power supply
OVH datacentres are powered by two separate electrical power supplies, and are also equipped with UPS devices. Power generators have an initial autonomy of 48hrs to counteract any electricity supply network failures.

Fire risk management
Every datacentre room is fitted with a fire detection and extinguishing system, as well as fire doors. OVH complies with the APSAD R4 rule for the installation of mobile and portable extinguishers, and also has the N4 compliance certification for all our datacentres.

OVH Network
OVH deploys its fibre optic network across the globe. Cutting-edge hardware is selected, installed and maintained by in-house teams of engineers.

Data hosting availability by OVH
With their network, they can deliver fantastic service quality to all of their customers, no matter where they are based. The OVH network has a capacity of 8 Tbps in Europe, and 4 Tbps in North America. It is also connected to 33 points of presence across four continents. We have designed the OVH network to be fully redundant: several security loops have been put in place to eliminate any risk of services becoming unavailable. With this abundance of links, your data can take the shortest route, resulting in minimal latency and faster load times.

Our news

EOL New brochure available!
March 2016 : EOL the new brochure is available!

Medsharing in figures
(Figures 2024)
280 000 patients since 2003 for over 320 studies.
70 Registries / Observatories.
99 Interventional studies.
162 non-interventional studies.

includes :
37 IWRS (without eCRF)
92 Medical device studies
110 Drug studies
116 Surveys / Assessments

89 Ongoing studies.

Figures 2024

New version of the application of randomization
Check out the new unlimited version of our Randomization for clinical trial application IPHONE / IPAD.

Quote request

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July 2023

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